Thursday, November 19, 2020

Erding AB, Federal Republic of Germany Oct. '70- June '72

 Arrived in Munich looking for the American Hotel. Octoberfest was in full swing and traffic and beer was flowing freely. Decided I was lost, flagged a German taxi and followed him to the hotel. Tomorrow Erding and check in for duty. Octoberfest will have to wait until later.


Power Production

Erding was a German air base. With my arrival about twenty American Airman was assigned. I recall this was the beginning of a USAFE combat support Gp. with one squadron of F4 Phantom Jets. This plan never materialized. 


Go-NoGo Generator

The Germans were flying the F104 and Italian FIAT trainer. Their mission was providing air security in  the Southern sector of the ZONE. This mission was transferred to us (Americans) shortly after my arrival. I was not told why this happened. In response, two A7Ds from Ramstein AB rotated to Erding for alert duty. I was tasked with providing generator support for a GO-NO GO light to be installed in front of alert aircraft. 


NATO began construction on TABVEE structures and runway improvements. Things are starting to happen. Awaiting large influx of people and equipment. 


I was volunteered for the extra duty of Ground Safety NCO. The winter was harsh and folks was on road to and from Munich. I asked the German equivalent to our Civil Engineers to cut and paint some ice scrapers for me to pass out to the folks. They agreed, and in a week I had twenty very nice ice scrapers. I was extremely proud of myself. I did good. A month later I got a call to visit with the Captain. He, in a very bad mood, showed me a bill from the German CE for two hundred dollars. Lucky it didn't come out of my check. I was humbled. I told him it was a scrounge project. He told me to stop scrounging.


The '72 Olympics was coming to Munich. The locals did not want a American military presence in the area. The Army began relocating to Augsburg. We depended on them for support. To complicate matters USAF or someone decided to extend all long tours to four years. This did not set well with most of us. A quickly drafted letter to a unnamed politician resulted in this plan being scrapped.



I took a Sunday off and visited The former Dachau Concentration Camp. A very sobering effect on what COMPLACENCY can do to the human race. 


Flightline construction completed, change of plans; the base will remain German with F4 jet aircraft.


The Army came through the area in route to Grafenwoehr Training Area. REFORGER in progress. Lawyers following troops to pay damages as they went. Tanks, heavy equipment, etc. In the mean time I made it to the Octoberfest in '71. 


Germany experience completed. In route to Kelly AFB, San Antonio, Texas.

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