Thursday, November 12, 2020

A Glossary of Unofficial Air Force Terminology and Slang


ASAP: As Soon As Possible

AWOL : Away With Out Leave

BETEL NUT: Addictive nut consumed in Vietnam

DREAM SHEET: Form used by Air Force personnel to forecast for base of choice when coming from remote assignment.

FREEDOM BIRD: Term coined during the Vietnam war to describe airplane taking you out of Vietnam.

FILE 13: Any correspondence not kept and thrown in trash can.

FEATHER MERCHANT:  Term used to describe civil service employee.

FLY:(as in insect) Term used by first term airman to describe career personnel.

DMZ: Demilitarize Zone, i.e., that strip of land separating North and South Vietnam

HOOCH: Enlisted living quarters in Vietnam, usually a combination of canvas and wood

DEFCON: Defense Condition

DEVIL'S MOUNTAIN: Mountain of rubble in Berlin-Teufelsberg

LIFER: Another term used by first termers to describe career personnel

LM3B:Lawn Mower Three Blade

MPC: Military Payment Certificate

GOLD FLOW: Specimen in bottle for drug testing

RON: Remain Over Night

SOS: Cream hamburger on toast

PAINT THE SCOPE: Airborne Aircraft display on radar scope.

SHORT TIMER RIBBON: Ribbon from Seagram's bottle when under thirty days left remote.

MEAT BALL: Symbol on edge of runway identifying arresting barrier

TANGO UNIFORM: Phonetic term used to describe someone that is deceased

TAC: Tactical Air Command

SAC: Strategic Air Command

AFCS: Air Force Communication Service

ATC: Air Training Command 

OD:     Olive Drab or Over Dirt

KW: Kilowatts or our cats name

KIA/WIA: Killed in Action/Wounded in Action 

FIGMO: Forget It; I Got My Orders

SNAFU: Situation Normal; All Fouled Up 


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