Sunday, November 22, 2020

Blytheville AFB, Arkansas (SAC) Jun '67- Oct '68


Rotated back to states, if only for a short time. Blytheville AFB was home to B52s. A slower pace for which I was grateful.


Shortly after my arrival I was selected as a member of the base Honor Guard. During this period the primary purpose was to provide Military Funerals for this area. KIAs from Vietnam was keeping us busy. Always a very stressful ceremony , on occasion emotions ran high between family members. I'll not go in to detail.


On a lighter note, my first cousin and his band played at the NCO club. I visited with him as often as possible when he was on base. During his younger days he played drums for Elvis and other notables.


In January '68 I was notified of a classified TDY (temporary duty). I departed Blytheville soon afterward. Some where over the Pacific Ocean I learned my destination was Clark AB, Philippines. Back to the 1st Mob Comm Gp.


North Korea captured the USS Pueblo, 1st Mobile was tasked with many South Korea deployments. Meanwhile, Vietnam remained very active. We worked around the clock to provide generator support for all deployed teams. To further stress this Airman, one week before rotating back to Blytheville I received a message that read, " PCS to Cam Ranh Bay AB, Vietnam. I returned to Blytheville AFB, cleared out, stopped at Sheppard AFB,TX. for a short school and off to Cam Ranh Bay AB, Vietnam.


I recently became aware that a Airman in the shop during this deployment later became  a  celebrity in the scientific world. In 1995 he co-discovered the HALE- BOPP COMET. This was the comet that a number of folks planned  hitching a ride on. Their success is unknown, However, they did depart earth.

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